

A continuing story unfolds

Several years ago Shers left her link with a Dutch publishing house to connect her work and name to Aisling Books where she self-publishing through Media Mediator. This media company she co-owns with her Dutch partner, a graphic designer and web builder. 


Today’s internet has become a vast highway of hyperspace, and publicising your work is not that easy anymore. Initially, the thought here was to set up a meeting place for readers and writers to exchange and promote their ideas and work. This was shortly before the popularity of social media took over in the form of Facebook and other social software. 

Shers has since decided to put focus on her own work by using this website and name to create her own channel for you to browse through and enjoy.  


You can contact Shers through her company English Language Services (E.L.S.)
Please indicate in your subject line which service you are referring to (publications / training / translation)
I will respond as soon as possible!
More information on Sher’s other website: (soon)

Email:  (soon)

(c) Sherry Marie Gallagher – all righrs reserved
Website by Mediator Media –

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